Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Panel of speakers at the Golden State Water Company Speakers Bureau

Civic Engagement

Golden State Water Company and its employees believe in contributing to the 81 California communities they serve. Since 2020, the company has donated nearly $1.5 million to local charities and service organizations, and its employees provide over 1,000 service hours annually to many of the same organizations. In 2024, its annual Operation Gobble program donated over $117,000 to local food banks and non-profits that provided meals to over 10,000 families and individuals in need during the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Operation Gobble

The needs of our neighbors and communities are great, with 1 in 11 people and 1 in 8 children facing food insecurity. We are proud to participate in Operation Gobble to help create a memorable holiday for the communities we serve. 

Operation Gobble is a philanthropic program that Golden State Water Company has deployed every Thanksgiving season for the past 34 years. We partner with community leaders and civic organizations to provide financial support for charitable organizations that assist individuals and families with limited resources during the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Speakers Bureau

Golden State Water Company (Golden State Water) professionals are water-industry experts who can introduce you to the complexities of treating and delivering reliable, quality water.  Our professionals include engineers, hydrogeologists, water quality scientists, and water system managers.  Our team is available to give customized presentations to clubs, schools, organizations and community groups. Presentations can be given on programs such as: 

  • Local water landscape and challenges
  • Water-use efficiency
  • Water supply
  • Water quality
  • Infrastructure investments
  • Customer service and understanding rates

Examples of organizations Golden State Water has presented to include:

  • Rotary clubs
  • Chambers of commerce
  • K-12 schools and college classes
  • Kiwanis clubs
  • Professional associations

To request a speaker at your next meeting or function, please click here.