
New Rates Invest in Water Reliability, Quality

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approves new rates for Golden State Water Company customers that went into effect July 31


The rates approved by the CPUC ensure the safety and dependability of your local water system, create local jobs, and uphold the fundamental right of every Californian to access to safe, clean and affordable water, no matter the zip code.

View the video above to learn more about the rate-making process and how rates are invested in communities.

Customers should never have to think twice about the quality of water coming from their tap. In this rate case, we are investing $318 million in water systems that serve 80 communities, avoiding the costly and sometimes dangerous effects of deferring maintenance or delaying the replacement of aging infrastructure.

Click here to learn more about new rates and investments in your service area.

For more information about Golden State Water Company, check out our fact sheet: 

Read About Golden State Water 

View the video above to learn more about our investments in water infrastructure. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why are Golden State Water Company’s water rates increasing? 
  • To fulfill our commitment to providing high quality water and reliable service, Golden State Water is making proactive investments in our water supply and water distribution systems to create sustainable, long-term value for our customers. We never want customers to think twice about the quality of the water coming from their tap.


  • Proactive investments to replace and protect California’s water infrastructure system avoids the costly and sometimes dangerous effects of deferring maintenance or delaying the replacement of aging infrastructure.
How are new rates determined?
  • Water rates are impacted by many factors including rising operation and maintenance costs, regulatory requirements and capital improvement programs. 
  • There are also other factors beyond Golden State Water’s control, including, but not limited to, regulatory costs and taxes, rising energy costs, and increasing construction costs to replace aging infrastructure.
  • Since the CPUC decision was delayed, the rates implemented will be the 2022 and 2023 rates combined. 
 How does the rate-making process work? 
  • As a regulated utility, every three years, Golden State Water must file a General Rate Case (GRC) application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
  • The CPUC sets water rates after an extensive review process by the CPUC Public Advocates Office, the consideration of input from GSWC customers and the public, and the evaluation of all the elements that make up the proposed rates.  The outcome in this process results in the lowest possible customer bills that will allow GSWC to provide safe and reliable water services while complying with regulatory mandates, meeting environmental goals and replacing aged infrastructure
  • On June 29, 2023 the CPUC approved new rates for 2022, 2023 and 2024.
Were customers notified of the rates when first proposed?
  • In July 2020, Golden State Water began notifying customers of proposed rates.  The proposed rates were communicated through various means, including bill inserts, email, media announcements, and virtual community meetings.
  • The California Public Utilities Commission was expected to rule on the application in the last quarter of 2021 but did not rule until June of 2023. Understandably, some customers don’t recall the notifications due to the delay.
Does Golden State Water provide financial assistance?
  • We recognize that water rate increases are challenging. However, we are trying to keep costs as low as possible while ensuring water quality and quality customer service.
  • Golden State Water offers a monthly credit for qualified low-income customers. Information about Golden State Water’s financial assistance program is posted at www.gswater.com.

The Ratemaking Process

Please visit our page, 3 Things to Know About the Rate-Setting Process, to learn more about the ratemaking process and timeline.

Ratemaking Principles

Our proactive investments to replace and protect our water infrastructure system:

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Ensures the safety and dependability of the local water system
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Protects the environment by reducing the company’s carbon footprint and its energy demands 
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Upholds the fundamental right of every Californian to access safe, clean and affordable water

Infrastructure Investments and Rates by Service Area

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For information on the infrastructure investments and rates that bring long-term value to your service area, click here.

Understanding Your Bill

Please visit our page, Understanding Your Bill, to learn the details of your bill. If you are interested in signing up for paperless billing via MyGSWater, please click here to enroll.

How to Control Your Water Bill

Click to expand the graphic below. img 5